Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I woke early this morning. So much to think about. Today is going to be a very busy day. We are going to mom and dads to borrow the truck and get some sawdust for mulch in the flower beds and the borrow the tiller from dad so we can get the garden tilled too. While dad and Joe are off getting the sawdust  and the board for the ramp and a new screen door I am off to get a few flowers for a splash of color. And the groceries for the week. 
Yesterday was kind of a rough day. Hoping my sweetie feels better he threw his neck out and was miserable yesterday. I weeded the last flower bed and sewed the covers closed on the patio furniture cushions. Plus taking care of everyone. I got a killer headache and then my sweetie stepped in for a bit and helped. I am glad its a new day and that God is in control and in charge. 
The residents were all kind of quiet yesterday. It was a rainy day and so everyone just kind kept to them selves. Miss E and I watched a movie while I was sewing on the cushions. Its supposed to be up in the 70's today so really looking forward to that. God is good!!! Pray for little rain this week. We need to get the painting done before Sunday.

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Welcome to our home! In these pages are some of the fun memories with your loved ones.

Thank you so much for sharing them with us and intrusting them into our care. They are very dear to our hearts. We laugh together and cry together and Praise God together.

We are happy to serve our community here in Michigan. We take private and state pay residents ages 60 and up. This is God's home and it has been dedicated to Him in loving service.

We are a family here. Your loved ones come be in a family setting instead of a formal home. Stop in for a visit and see what we are like and get to know us a bit.

We also have family worship which they are welcome to attend if they choose. With singing and guitar.
May God richly bless all of you, and maranatha! Jesus is coming!